Haloowww gengs. Welcome back to my post in medium! So happy to know that you come here to read my story again:)) I want to share my experience when I joined Raion Hackjam 2019.
First, what is Raion Hackjam? Raion Hackjam is one of Raion program to improve our staff skill to build a product in 2 days. All of the members’ Raion community must join this program.
The program started from 26th April 2019 until 28th April 2019. For Raion Hackjam 2019, the theme is about “Innovation product based on economic value and market demand”. Each team has 4 until 5 people (one designer, one artist and two programmers for apps category). Fyi : in our community, the designer staff is a product manager and artist staff is a UI/UX designer.
We started the competition at 5 pm. All of the team discussed what they wanted to develop (via line). Oh ya, we chose before who was our member team. I chose Martin, Imam, and Bella as my team member. For the beginning, My team don’t have an idea what’s the problem that must we solved until Imam and Martin told us about their final project about scanning food. Their application for their final project just as simple as scan product X and the system will give you the calories that the food has. You know that we have a theme for this competition. So, as a designer, you must make sure all of our team members know about the real problem that we must solve and it can be the product that same with the theme. And then, I tried to search for the problem on the internet and got the information about our competitors. Remember this, you must know about what’s the unique value of your product and make sure you know the reason what the problem that can be solved by your product. What I love to be the designer in my team is I can share my ideas with them and then they always gave me positive feedback about those ideas. You must know that everyone has a different insight into something. So, discussed everything that can be happened in your product and got the idea!
All of the designers in every team presented what the idea of their product at 7 p.m. For the first day, Martin and Imam can’t come because they just finished their final project for X lesson. So, Bella and I presented about the catering apps that can detect the number of calories in food. I made the presentation file and Bella made the mockups. After the presentation, we took a photo. holaaa! #2harijadi
Tomorrow morning, Imam and Martin trying to code the product. Bella still finished the mockup and I created the proposal. One thing that you must do as a product manager is “make sure your member team enjoy to do their work”. As a product manager, we are not a boss or someone who higher position than others. I always called my self a cheerleader in a team because I know my programmers and my artist are the best members. What they need just “trusted”, “support”, and of course “asupan micin haha”. Don’t forget to make use case and activity diagram. It’s so useful to your programmer to understand how the program is working.
I suggested you learn about business model canvas (BMC). It can present your product. You can find the template in your search engine. If you don’t know how to get the revenue from your product, you are in an urgent situation:”))
*tiktoktiktok one day later*
Finally, it was the final presentation time. All of the team prepared what the best that they can perform. We have two juries that senior in the startup company. They gave us feedback and it useful to improve our product in the next day.
Finally, we presented to you our product named “TrackEat”. It is an application that can scan your food to detect the calories and you can also order healthy food by our system. It’s so useful to someone who wants to diet or keep their calories. We also demo our apps and the audience very excited to know about our product. Love!
(Any tips for you. When you presented your product, make sure you know how it works. After that, Don’t forget to get your audience attention just like asked them a simple question like “How you ever felt …. like this” or something that can get their empathy and make them realize that “Oh ya it’s happened to another person or this is a real problem that happens to me!”).
Finally, we are chosen to be the 1st winner of this hackjam! For me, It’s not important to be the number one or anything else. As a product manager in my team, I just want to make sure all of the efforts that my team do must be pay off. at least, they felt enjoy to develop it as a good product to help other people’s problems:”)).
So, what are you waiting for? Do you want to join Hackjam Raion 2020? Come and Join us! Raion Community. See ya!
“We have to be serious and do the best what we do when we developed our product but the important thing is how to keep your teamwork, make them enjoy the game, and be their cheerleader anytime! — Vivy Junita”.
If you any questions, feels free to contact me via direct message in any social media or my linkedin. Thank you.